Swamp Fox Distilling Co, LTD . Copyright © 2020

A World Renowned Whiskey Lurks Deep in The Georgia Forest.The legend of the will-o’-the-wisp can be found in numerous folk tales of many cultures, and is often a malicious character in these stories. In Welsh folklore, it is said that the light is “fairy fire” held in the hand of a fairy that mischievously leads lone travelers off the beaten path. Swamp Fox Distilling Co. is proud to present this installment of our premium line of spirits. Handcrafted in small batches and distilled from a bourbon mash, Will O’ The Wisp is truly a work of art. Distiller B. Moon always says “it’s ready when it’s ready!” and this young whiskey is ready to impress. Smooth enough to enjoy neat or on the rocks, but flavorful enough to command a presence in your favorite cocktail.